Consulta de Guías Docentes

Academic Year/course: 2020/21


This is a non-sworn translation intended to provide students with information about the course

Information of the subject

Code - Course title:
720 -
737 -
102 - Facultad de Derecho
Academic year:

1. Course details

1.1. Content area

Public Policy Analysis

1.2. Course nature


1.3. Course level

Máster (EQF/MECU 7)

1.4. Year of study


1.5. Semester

Second semester

1.6. ECTS Credit allotment


1.7. Language of instruction

Spanish and English

1.8. Prerequisites

"No prerequisites"

1.9. Recommendations


1.10. Minimum attendance requirement

Attendance to class is mandatory.

1.11. Subject coordinator/s

Maria Carmen Navarro Gomez

1.12. Coordinator of other university


1.13. Competences and learning outcomes

1.13.1. Competences


1.13.2. Learning outcomes


1.13.3. Course objectives


1.14. Course contents


1.15. Course bibliography


2. Teaching-and-learning methodologies and student workload

2.1. Contact hours


2.2. List of training activities


3. Evaluation procedures and weight of components in the final grade

3.1. Regular assessment


3.1.1. List of evaluation activities


3.2. Resit


3.2.1. List of evaluation activities


4. Proposed workplan


Curso Académico: 2020/21


Información de la asignatura

Código - Nombre:
720 - Máster en Democracia y Gobierno (2018)
737 - Máster Erasmus Mundus en Estudios del Sur de Europa
102 - Facultad de Derecho
Curso Académico:

1. Detalles de la asignatura

1.1. Materia

Análisis de Políticas Públicas

1.2. Carácter


1.3. Nivel

Máster (MECES 3)

1.4. Curso


1.5. Semestre

Segundo semestre

1.6. Número de créditos ECTS


1.7. Idioma

Inglés /English

1.8. Requisitos previos

"No hay"

1.9. Recomendaciones

Good knowledge of English (C1 level)

1.10. Requisitos mínimos de asistencia

Attendance is mandatory

1.11. Coordinador/a de la asignatura

Maria Carmen Navarro Gomez

1.12. Coordinador de otra universidad


1.13. Competencias y resultados del aprendizaje

1.13.1. Competencias

    1. Competencias generales:

  • G2. Capacidad para identificar las principales ideas de un texto escrito o exposición oral.
  • G4. Capacidad para la resolución de problemas y la toma de decisiones de forma autónoma.
  • G5. Capacidad para relacionar la teoría con situaciones concretas del mundo real.
  • G6. Capacidad para trabajar en equipo.
  • G8. Capacidad para emitir juicios argumentados y razonados, utilizando el lenguaje propio de su área de estudio.

     2  Competencias básicas:

  • B1. Capacidad para comunicarse oralmente y en público de forma correcta, clara y razonada en inglés y, en su caso, en castellano.
  • B2. Capacidad para comunicarse por escrito de forma correcta, clara, razonada y respetando las normas formales propias de un texto científico, en inglés y, en su caso, en castellano.
  • B4. Capacidad para buscar, seleccionar y analizar información proveniente de fuentes diversas en inglés y, en su caso, en castellano.
  • B6. Capacidad para interpretar análisis de datos relativamente complejos.

     3  Competencias específicas:

  • E10. Que los estudiantes adquieran conocimientos sobre la organización y gestión de la Administración Pública en sus distintos niveles.
  • E11. Que los estudiantes conozcan la planificación, implantación, evaluación y análisis de políticas públicas.
  • E12. Que los estudiantes adquieran conocimientos sobre el comportamiento de los burócratas y otros actores que participan en la elaboración e implementación de políticas públicas.
  • E13. Que los estudiantes conozcan los principales instrumentos de análisis aplicados en la investigación sobre Administración y políticas públicas.

1.13.2. Resultados de aprendizaje

  • G2. Ability to identify the main ideas of a written text or oral presentation.
    G4. Ability to solve problems and make decisions autonomously.
    G5. Ability to relate theory to real-world situations.
    G6. Ability to work in a team.
    G8. Ability to make reasoned judgments, using the language of publica policy analysis
    B1. Ability to communicate orally and in public in a correct, clear and reasoned manner in English.
    B2. Ability to communicate in writing in a correct, clear, reasoned manner and respecting the formal rules of a scientific text, in English and, where appropriate, in Spanish.
    B4. Ability to search, select and analyse information from different sources in English and, where appropriate, in Spanish.
    B6. Ability to interpret relatively complex data analysis.    
    E10. That students acquire knowledge about the organization and management of the Public Administration at its different levels.
    E11. That students know the planning, implementation, evaluation and analysis of public policies.
    E12. That students acquire knowledge about the behavior of bureaucrats and other actors that participate in the elaboration and implementation of public policies.
    E13. That students know the main instruments of analysis applied in research on administration and public policies.

1.13.3. Objetivos de la asignatura

The course will focus on the study of government decision-making processes, their implementation and effects. More specifically, the course's goals are:
I.   Analyzing public policy processes, instruments and strategies
II.  To learn the different theoretical approaches and the main methodologies in public policies.
III. Apply the techniques and tools of analysis and evaluation of public policies.
IV. Apply and adapt knowledge to various policy sectors (education, health, environment, social policies, technology, etc.).
V.   To familiarize students with some key topics in the current debate on Public Policy.
VI.  To provide the necessary tools to face any public decision and to understand how and why certain problems are  as public, what is the logic of agenda setting and how and why certain strategies are selected to solve public problems.


1.14. Contenidos del programa

  1. The policy process
  2. The agenda setting
  3. Theoretical frameworks to understand decision-making in public policy
  4. Actors, resources and strategies
  5. Policy tools
  6. Policy design
  7. Policy implementation
  8. Policy evaluation

1.15. Referencias de consulta

Additional references and readings will be announced in the moodle website

Bardach, E. A practical guide for policy analysis : the eightfold path to more effective problem solving. 4th ed. Los Angeles, Thousand Oaks: Sage CQ Press, 2012.

Dye, T.R. Understanding public policy. 14th ed. Boston: Pearson, 2013.

Howlett, M. Designing public policies : principles and instruments, Routledge textbooks in policy studies. Abingdon, Oxon ; New York: Routledge, 2011.

Sabatier, P.A. and C.M. Weible. Theories of the policy process. Third edition. ed. Boulder, CO: Westview Press, a member of the Persus Books Group, 2014.

Stone, D. Policy paradox : the art of political decision making. 3rd ed. New York: W.W. Norton & Co., 2012.

2. Metodologías docentes y tiempo de trabajo del estudiante

2.1. Presencialidad



In class (mínimum 33%)


At home


Student Obligations:
Students are expected to prepare for classes by prereading assigned materials as well as their active participation during the celebration of classes.

2.2. Relación de actividades formativas


Type of activity







Office hours


 Material readings






 Final project


3. Sistemas de evaluación y porcentaje en la calificación final

3.1. Convocatoria ordinaria

1. The evaluation will take into account the attendance and active participation in class, the elaboration and punctual presentation of the essays and exercises that are requested and the final project.
2 Final grade:
  • Percentage of exercises: 40 % (only those delivered on the indicated date will be evaluated).
  • Percentage of class participation: 10% (it will be taken into account that the interventions are argued and refer to the topics and materials discussed in class).
  • Percentage of final project: 50% 
3. Requirements to pass the subject:
Attendance is compulsory. Failure to attend a minimum of 80% of the sessions or failure to deliver a minimum of 80% of the work in the required form and deadlines will result in suspension in the subject in the first call.
Warning about plagiarism:
The Department of Political Science and International Relations will not tolerate any case of plagiarism or copying -nor active or passive collaboration with this type of fraudulent practices- either in exams or in any type of work carried out by students.
It will be considered plagiarism the reproduction of paragraphs from texts of different authorship from that of the student (Internet, books, articles, works of companions...), when the original source from which they come is not cited.
If this type of practice is detected, the sanction will consist of the suspension of the course and the request to open an academic file before the Dean or, where appropriate, the Rector of this University.

3.1.1. Relación actividades de evaluación



 Final project


 Assigments during the semestre 


Class participation



3.2. Convocatoria extraordinaria

A test on the contents of lectures, reading materials and assignments.


3.2.1. Relación actividades de evaluación

A test on the contents of lectures, reading materials and assignments.

4. Cronograma orientativo

A detailed chronogram will be published in the lecturer's Moodle site